Saturday, February 29, 2020

Anywhere You Dare

When I saw anywhere dare candy perfume advertisement for the first time, I immediately understood its complete meaning. Interestingly, how do advertisers who saw this particular ad attract people to purchase their products? This ad is an example of the impact on our social marketing strategy. We tend to deny that sexual influence has become the mainstream market of our society, but if you read the daily magazine carefully, you will begin noticing the real scope of it . This ad pulled my attention when I viewed the magazine. My first belief in the intention of the marketer says, If you wear their products, you can be with anyone you want, regardless of the number of partners you want is. Of course, this is ridiculous for me, but it truly pulled my attention. It seems that condoms seem to mean multiple partners. Perfume is the focus of the entire advertisement. I will challenge you to dare wonderful things. Dream impossible dreams. Please make it stand out in the crowd. Please dare dif ferent way of thinking and unique. If you believe in me and you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream about it, you can do it. Whenever you get this most precious life gift, your mind, body and spirit must be digested with your dreams. Believe in your heart as it provides hope. Believe in your idea, it provides direction. Believe in your soul, it gives power. But the most important thing is to believe in yourself. Because you were always the answer. Open the door to someone who truly believes in dreams and self. Never forget that you are not alone in the mirror. You are more brave than you believe. It is more powerful than you see. Smarter than you think I dare to do this. You dare to try to advance your life. You try to do things yourself. When a coward is standing by the bystander, you dare to stand out, take a horrible measure to chat, ridiculously, and chatter to the Lord behind you. They will never talk in front of you.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

In which ways has globalization affected China Essay

In which ways has globalization affected China - Essay Example Scholars believe that it is necessary for these changes to be absorbed but with so much caution. Of late, globalization has become a global issue that involves the transformation of the society in several dimensions. China has undergone massive transformation politically, economically and technically. Political globalization involves the use of common political systems and same political principles in governing1. These factors affect the whole globe and have affected migration, flow of capital, foreign investments, and spread of technological advances. From the understanding that globalization has its roots in China, this paper gives a detailed analysis on the positive impact it has had to the country. Effects of globalization Globalization is a necessary factor in every economy. Technological globalization in china has led to expanded market for its national products. The creation of markets all over the globe earns the country foreign exchange and this helps in developing a country ’s welfare. Technological globalization has effected easy, fast and reliable means of communication to individuals allover the globe. Information can reach many individuals in less time and can cover large geographical areas2. It is due to technological globalization that china has been able to invest in manufacturing industry. This has acted as a major factor in contributing growth in the Japan economy. Exportation of manufactured goods like machineries and vehicles generates much capital to an economy compared to exportation of primary good such as food materials and fabrics. Cultural globalization in china has enhanced the spread of different cultures allover the world, and this has bought solidarity despite different skin colour, races, and languages. The togetherness helps reduce on cases of wars and therefore, people can be able to join efforts for development of the whole globe. Globalization has dissolved national geographical boundaries and enhanced communication ser vices for people despite the distance barriers. China has offered jobs to many people allover the world, and this has ensured that there is peaceful co-existence and decline in dependency level. Poverty can contribute to conflicts, and jobs in china give people the ability to cater for their primary needs. It has therefore helped China deal with its greatest challenge on unemployment that has significantly spurred growth of the economy. Globalization has led to improvement in the output of other sectors within the economy. It has improved agricultural production through adaptation of new farming methods. These new methods are more effective and reliable as compared to the traditional methods. China has also improved the quality of their products by use of hybrid varieties that can withstand many environmental challenges like drought. This has made it possible to deal with hunger calamities and therefore, curbing the number of deaths due to hunger3. A healthy nation is also able to p roduce more and labour becomes easy to acquire. For any society to develop, the citizens collaborate with the government for back up in financing and security issues. Increase in agricultural output has led to exportation of the excess quantities to other states in the globe hence giving china a share in the world trade. National income is likely to rise after exporting its products due to the use of new farming methods that come along with globalization. The new seeds and the new farming techniques spread globally to ensure that the food crisis can be dealt with. This reduces the world’s mortality4. Development of new towns in china is as an effect of globalization. These towns develop to serve as a base for new industries, increased commercial activities and to

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

2 - Assignment Example The company owns over 7 million hectares of land across the Northern Territory and Queensland. The company’s strategy is to operate in diversified agribusiness operations and bring innovation in existing business practices in order to achieve long term gains. ActivEX Limited is an Australian mineral and exploration company that specialises in identifying, acquiring, and distribution of minerals. The company aims to increase shareholders’ value by investing into quality projects including minerals such as gold, copper, cobalt, etc. The company is involved in activities such as drilling, soil testing and mapping, data compilation, and reviewing. Adcorp Australia is a leading advertising agency owned locally and offers services including branding, advertising, creative design, event management, media planning and promotions. a) The monthly returns of the three companies are calculated using the following formula: Monthly return = (Current adjusted close price/Previous adju sted close price) – 1 The historical prices of the three companies are obtained from Yahoo Finance and the individual monthly returns of the three chosen stocks are shown in the appendices section. The period under study was for 61 months ending on Dec 31, 2012. The calculations are made in the MS-Excel spreadsheet application using the above formula to calculate monthly returns. Then the average monthly return is calculated using the Excel function AVERAGE that computes the average of given numbers. The standard deviations of adjusted closing prices are calculated using the STDEV function of MS-Excel. Standard deviation is the measure of risk of investment which measures the stock volatility over a given period of time. The expected return from the stock is calculated using the CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) approach, where there is the concept of Beta. From the above summarised risk-return analysis, it can be said that the returns of all the three stocks are equal since beta is very close to zero but it is positive. This means that investment in either of the companies is safe as it is apparent that the standard deviation of market index (AORD) is more volatile than the chosen stocks. From the theory of risk-return, it can be said that the higher the risk, the higher would be potential return. This is true in case of AORD since the risk borne by the investor must be compensated by higher expected returns. When the individual stocks of the companies are compared to AORD, it can be said that all the three stocks have lower standard deviation or risk associated with investment. This would alternatively mean that the returns from these stocks would be lower due to less associated risk. This can be verified from the expected return that calculates the estimated return from the stock using CAPM. In this study it was found that expected return of AORD was higher than the three chosen stocks due to a higher risk. Also, for the given return, the rational i nvestor would select the stock that is least risky and in this study riskiness of investment is determined using standard deviation. A higher value of standard deviation means that the stock is more risky and vice versa. From the above table, it can be said that Activex Limited is the least risky (the lowest standard deviation among other two stocks) and Australian Agriculture Co. Ltd is the riskiest (the highest standard deviation among other two stocks). b) In order to estimate the beta for each of three chosen